Sausage and Baked Beans

Sausage and Baked Beans

I’m not sure if sausage and baked beans would still be considered an Irish tea-time favourite but a variation of this dish is what we were given to eat as children some 40 odd years ago. We loved it and given my mother had 8 mouths to feed it certainly packed a punch and there was always more than enough to go around the table.

Photo Credit: Olive O’Brien

Nowadays this quick sausage and baked beans recipe is considered a great way for using leftovers from a cooked breakfast or brunch.

The dish itself is very quick and easy to make despite the different steps involved.


A grill, a pot, a frying pan, chopping board, knife, tin opener and wooden spoon


1 x packet of Sausages

4 x large potatoes, washed, peeled & cubed

1 x Onion, chopped

2 x Garlic cloves, finely chopped

5 x large mushrooms, sliced (optional)

2 x Peppers (1 x yellow and 1 x green) sliced (optional)

1 x Tin Baked Beans

1 x Tin Butter Beans or 1 x Tin of Five Mix Beans drained and rinse with cold water

1 x Tin Tomatoes (chopped not whole)

½ tsp. of cumin spice

1 x tsp. turmeric spice

Cooking oil to fry


Boil the cubed potatoes and when cooked just drain and leave to one side (remember to keep the cooked potatoes covered as they may brown when exposed to air)

Grill the sausages turning occasionally until fully cooked.

Add the oil to a hot frying pan and sauté the onions and garlic with both of the spices.

At this point, you can then add in any other optional vegetables and reduce the heat.

Photo Credit: Olive O’Brien

Drain the butter beans or five mix beans and rinse with cold water before adding to the pan, stirring gently.

Next, add the chopped tomatoes and stir and then the baked beans stirring all the while.

Keep the heat low while you slice the cooked sausages and slowly add these to the mix on the pan.

Finally, just before serving add in the cooked potatoes – always leave these to last so they hold their shape gently stirring the dish until all the ingredients are hot.

Season to taste.

Serving Suggestion

Serve up to the hungry mouths who are sure to devour this jam-packed flavoursome dish with some warm crusty bread.

This dish is best eaten hot on the day that it is made.

8 thoughts on “Sausage and Baked Beans”

  • Yummy! I love one-pot meals that fill my husband and I up.  

    I live in Germany where sausages exist in many forms, flavors and intensities.  So, when you say “sausages,”  what do you mean?  Something intense in flavor or something milder?  

    I will probably try this recipe with a variety of sausages, but for the first time, I’d like to get it as close to what you’re suggesting as possible.

    • Hi Michelle 

      Good question regarding the type of sausages, I’ve only ever tried it with pork sausages, but I’m sure you could certainly try the stronger tasting german sausage, the flavours would be intensified that is for sure. 

      Enjoy and let me know how you get on and if you and your husband enjoyed this dish. 

      All the best, Olive

  • Hi! 

    You have given me a cool idea and I know my kids will love it! 

    I’m always searching for ways for using leftovers and this is a great one.

    My parents also gave me a lot of sausage and baked beans as a kid and we absolutely love it! I think it’s because my mom got better at cooking as time has gone by! LOL. 

    I’ll serve this tonight with warm crusty bread! Yummy!

    • Hi Ann

      Yes I’m fairly sure most parents dished this up at some stage back when we were children, simple and easy and wouldn’t have cost must to buy ingredients. 

      I hope you and your children enjoyed it – warm crusty bread sounds yum! 

      All the best, Olive 

  • Hello Olive, I must say that this article is very helpful and informative. 

    I am glad I stumbled upon it because I do enjoy eating sausage and baked beans. You presented a recipe that I have not tried so far but, I will definitely add it to my menu. 

    I already have some of the ingredients, thank you for sharing such tasteful recipe.

    • Hi Danijel

      Thanks for your comments, glad to be of help and I do hope you get to try this simple and easy recipe. 

      All the best, Olive 

  • I am typically not a fan of beans, but the way that you have made this look I might just have to give it a try! 

    My wife is always trying to talk me into trying new things too so that is perfect. 

    Does it matter what type of sausage you use? I think a little added spice would be good in here too, have you ever tried that? I look forward to trying this out!

    • Hi Travis

      There are so many different bean varieties on the market, baked beans may often not be to everyone’s taste, so it is good to experiment. 

      Absolutely try it with a little added spice, that is the beauty of cooking, you can try different flavours to see what works.  

      Do let me know how you get on, or you could add a spicy sausage instead of a pork one. 

      All the best, Olive

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