Raspberry Panna Cotta Recipe

Raspberry Panna Cotta Recipe

I confess I have never in all my years chefing every attempted to produce a Panna Cotta.  It’s not that I don’t like this dessert, to be honest, there are not many desserts out there that I do not like, but I suppose I never felt the need to dabble.

My niece’s recent 10th birthday, however, changed all that.  I’ve always made her birthday cake and each year I would ask her what she would like me to create.  She’s a funny one, as she’s gotten older she’s become fusser and now she’s not a “big cake” eater, more a dessert nibbler! She doesn’t like cream(!), or buttercream, or ganache so options get quite limited!

There is only so much chocolate biscuit cake one can eat.

I had it on good authority that she liked Panna Cotta, and loves Raspberries.  So I did a bit of investigating and adapting and substituting and I came up with the mother of all Panna Cotta’s a rather delicious Raspberry Panna Cotta “cake” which screamed decadence.

Believe me when I say this recipe is too spectacular not to share – try it for yourself if you don’t believe me 🙂

Bearing in mind the following ingredients were doubled to allow for a bigger “cake type” dessert – more mouths to feed at a birthday party, but it is also an ideal dessert for a dinner party using individual ramekin bowls.


1 x Shallow cake tin OR individual ramekins, Cling film, 1 x Bowl (microwave proof), 1x Saucepan, 1x Whisk


175ml double cream

175ml full-fat milk

1x raspberry jelly(any flavour)

Fresh raspberries


Line individual moulds or shallow cake tin with cling film. Tucking it into the sides to avoid air pockets.

Empty the cream into a saucepan, and if you have no measuring jug use the empty cream carton to measure the same amount of milk before adding to the saucepan.

Heat on a low until liquid is warm. Do not boil or allow the liquid to get hot.

Break up the jelly cubes into a bowl and melt these in a microwave for approx 30 seconds or until jelly is liquid with no lumps.

Place fresh raspberries into the lined dish and when jelly has melted pour a thin layer over raspberries enough to keep raspberries in place and then refrigerate.

Pour the remaining jelly into the saucepan with the cream/milk liquid and whisk the jelly through.

Once the jelly in the dish has set in the fridge pour the creamy mixture on top. Refrigerate until set.

Serving Suggestion

When removing from the dish you need to gently ease the clingfilm from the sides of the bowl.  Place a flat plate on top of the dish and upend the Panna Cotta on to a serving plate.

The dessert should drop from the dish.

Remove the dish and gently remove the cling film. Decorate with cream, fresh raspberries and fresh mint.

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