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Raspberry Panna Cotta Recipe

Raspberry Panna Cotta Recipe

I confess I have never in all my years chefing every attempted to produce a Panna Cotta.  It’s not that I don’t like this dessert, to be honest, there are not many desserts out there that I do not like, but I suppose I never…

Oven Baked Peaches

Oven Baked Peaches

I personally adore peaches, as a young child we usually only got to eat peaches from a tin, doused in syrup and only as a Sunday treat to brighten up a bowl of ice-cream or some such. Later in life when fresh fruit became more…

Traditional Irish Apple Tart

Traditional Irish Apple Tart

Apple tart has long since been an Irish traditional dessert and especially if you were in a position to be able to grow apples or lucky enough to have an orchard. As a young girl growing up many a weekend was spent watching my Mum…

Homemade Chicken Kiev

Homemade Chicken Kiev

I love garlic and I love cooking with garlic. There is a lot of scientific evidence that tells us that garlic is very good for us when it is consumed raw or cooked and you can find more about this here. Below I’m going to…

Beef Stir Fry with Noodles

Beef Stir Fry with Noodles

I know beef stir-fry with noodles may well be a very popular “Chinese takeaway” meal of a Friday or Saturday evening, but did you know to actually make this dish yourself is quick and easy using the vegetables that you favour most. So no more…

Best Homemade Pancake Recipe From Scratch

Best Homemade Pancake Recipe From Scratch

For the day that is in it, Shrove Tuesday or also known as Pancake Tuesday I thought I would show you just how simple it is to make the best homemade pancakes from scratch. No more will you hover over the “ready-made” batter on the…

How To Make Spaghetti Bolognese Step By Step

How To Make Spaghetti Bolognese Step By Step

As a child growing up in the 1980’s minced meat usually beef was a regular staple for dinner. Back in the day, it was a cheap option and even now it is not very expensive meat to use. Better still there is now a variety…

Spotted Dick Suet Pudding

Spotted Dick Suet Pudding

During the time that I spent working in the hotel trade in the UK, I learnt a lot from a fellow chef named Dave Morley. Dave took me under his wing and taught me how to make suet puddings and profiteroles. The following recipe is…

Fried Liver with Onions and Bacon

Fried Liver with Onions and Bacon

This was another recipe that my mother favoured when we were children growing up. Again most probably because it was a cheaper option to feed all 8 of us together and didn’t require too much time or effort. It’s funny I can almost hear some…

Autumn Butternut Squash Soup

Autumn Butternut Squash Soup

I absolutely love the flavour of Butternut Squash and it works really well with Pumpkin when in season, (usually late Autumn). Thankfully butternut squash can be purchased all year round as I also enjoy it steamed as a vegetable or chopped up cold with beetroot…