How To Make Healthy Homemade Granola

How To Make Healthy Homemade Granola

A few weeks ago I started to make my own version of granola as my teenage daughter had started eating it for breakfast.

She found the shop bought brands too sweet and when we checked the ingredients we were both astonished to find more than one sugar had been used and, in some cases, very high quantities.


1 x Bowl, 1 x lined baking sheet, 1 x wooden spoon, weighing scales & grease proof paper to line baking sheet


200g Porridge Oats (any brand)

1 x level tbls Ground Cinnamon

1 x level tbls Ground Ginger

100mls Honey (any type)

Optional Ingredients based upon taste/preference

25g raisins

25g dried cranberries

10g flaked almonds

10g cashew nuts

10g pine nuts

5g of seeds (pumpkin, chai, sesame)


When mixing all dried ingredients together ensuring the oats have been well coated. You should be able to smell the spices without it been too overpowering.

When all dry ingredients have been mixed add in the honey to bind it. You can also add 50mls of water if you don’t want to use a lot of honey.

Remember the dried fruit contain their own sugar, so no extra sugar is needed.

Transfer the mixture to your lined baking sheet and pat it evenly to avoid any lumps.

Cooking Time & Temperature

Preheat oven 180°c / 370°F or gas mark 5

Bake in the oven for 10 mins, remove and mix again on the baking sheet, careful the mixture will be hot. Then continue to bake for another 10 mins before removing from oven.

Allow to cool.

This granola can be stored in a cool place in a sealed container. It is best eaten within 7 days.

Serving Suggestionsstored_granola

This simple granola recipe can be used as an alternative to breakfast and is delicious with any of the Alpro nut milks.

Or can be sprinkled on top of a yoghurt of your choice to add a bit of crunch!

It can also be eaten dry.

6 thoughts on “How To Make Healthy Homemade Granola”

  • Hi Olive, 

    Yum! This looks delicious! 

    I also am not a big fan of store-bought granola and never really considered how easy it could be to make it myself. 

    Definitely gonna have to give this one a try. 

    I like that I can then pick and choose exactly what goes in my granola and can cater it to me, such as with some nice dried fruit combinations 🙂 

    Thanks for the recipe!

    • Hi Anna

      Most welcome and thanks so much for your sharing your thoughts, delighted you found my post and I would love to hear your feedback if you do get to try it. 

      I often use some dried apricots or figs to mix it up a bit, it’s really up to you and your tastes – the world’s your oyster 😉

      All the best, Olive 

  • This recipe looks amazing! Thank you for sharing! 

    I too have looked at ingredient lists and nutrition facts on store-bought granola and was just amazed at how much sugar is in them! 

    I have been searching for the perfect granola and I believe your homemade recipe is going to do the trick for me! Thank you for finally ending my search! 



    • Hi Leann

      Delighted you found my post and have ended your search in finding a healthy homemade granola to make. 

      I’d love to hear your feedback once you have tried this granola – you can also add some dried fruit of your choosing for added density. 

      All the best, Olive

  • A good meal that I would like to use for breakfast before I go to work. I like the recipes that are homemade. 

    This recipe shows that it is not difficult to prepare and it is very fast to eat.  

    I believe your homemade granola can replace my normal breakfast meal. Eating milk and granola early in the morning and so I would be consuming fewer calories for the day. That would be good because it would help me to lose weight fast.

    • Hi Kozakiv

      Thank you for your thoughts, yes eating granola for breakfast would be a healthy way to start the day, and because the main ingredient is oats they leave you feeling fuller for longer, so a win/win if you are trying to lost excess weight. 

      Let me know how you get on once you have tried this recipe and remember it will last a good 7 days once kept in a cool dry container. 

      All the best, Olive 

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