Hearty Leek and Potato Soup

Hearty Leek and Potato Soup
Photo Credit: Olive O’Brien

Now that the winter months are well and truly here this soup is a welcome addition to any meal and is very quick to make once you have the ingredients 🙂

As a trained chef I was taught the French style method of cooking and a lot of the time that involved sauté my vegetables in butter.

However, for years I have struggled with weight issues and today when I cook, I tend to use less oil and butter whenever I can.

As my ethos is teaching and showing how to make cooking easy, this soup is a good one to start off with so why not give it a try and let me know in the comments below how you get on, I’d love to hear from you.


Chopping board, sharp knife, large pot, hand blender


2 x onions roughly chopped

2 x garlic cloves, roughly chopped

4 x celery stems washed and chopped

3 x leeks, (preferably green stems) washed and chopped

3 x potatoes peeled and cubed

1 x vegetable stock cube

Cream optional

Water enough to cover all veg

Cooking Time & Temperature

Start off with a high temperature and once the water is boiling reduce the liquid to a simmer. Prep and cooking time would be about 20mins all in.


First off peel and roughly chop the onions and garlic and add these to the pot.

Wash celery stems and roughly chop before adding to the pot.

Remove the outer skin of leeks with a knife and cut through the leek, so that when you are washing the leeks the water runs through the leaves (this is important as clay often lingers.) Slice and add to the pot

Peel and wash potatoes and cut into cubes before adding to the pot.

Lastly, crumb the vegetable stock over the vegetables and cover with water and bring to boil.

Once the water is boiling reduce the temperature to a simmer until all the vegetables are cooked through.

Handblended Soup
Photo Credit: Olive O’Brien

Then remove the pot from the heat and blitz the vegetables using a handheld blender until the broth/soup is smooth.

Taste for seasoning as you may need to add extra salt and pepper at this stage.

If consuming straight away you should bring the soup back to boil.

Before serving, you can add the cream if desired (Optional)

Serving Suggestion

This soup will last for 4 days in the fridge once covered especially if you have made a big batch, simply remove from fridge and reheat as needed.

Alternatively, you could portion it out and freeze it for another day.

A lovely compliment to serve with this hearty vegetable soup would be a slice or two of the Irish Soda Bread and you can find that recipe here

18 thoughts on “Hearty Leek and Potato Soup”

  • Hello, I must say that this article is very helpful and informative. 

    I am glad I stumbled upon this because I discovered some very nice and tasteful recipes. I am a big fan of soups but never tried this before. 

    I will definitely go early tomorrow to get all the ingredients I need and make it. 

    Thank you for sharing such a great recipe. I can’t wait to discover more.

    • Thanks Danijel appreciate your feedback, I hope you get to make this soup – please do let me know what you thought of it. 

      All the best, Olive

  • This article comes at a great time for me as I am relocating soon and will be living on my own, so simple recipes like these will be life-saving for me 🙂 

    I saw the “how to cook steak perfectly” post and it’s mouthwatering to read!

    I will bookmark your website and look forward to more easy and fast recipes. 


    • Most welcome Jordan glad you enjoyed my post and that they will come in handy for you.  Do let me know how you get on and if you have any questions I would be happy to answer them. 

      All the best, Olive

  • Hello Olive 

    I really appreciate your efforts in putting this great website together and in writing this article. 

    I have never tried Leek & Potato soup before, I have heard of it but I never had the complete recipe to try it for myself. I am going to give it a try now so thank you for this post.

    Thank you, Benny

    • Hi Benny

      Thank you for your feedback, delighted you have found my recipe and can now try this wholesome soup for yourself. You must let me know how you get on. 

      All the best, Olive

  • Hello there,

    Thanks for this awesome article it has been a great help to me and I am glad I found your website.

    I was looking for a soup recipe with potatoes, as it is one of my favourite foods so I will definitely try it out. It looks quite simple to make so I will look forward to trying it. 

    Thank you.

    • Hi Feji Ben

      Thanks for your comment, I think you will enjoy this soup very much if you like potatoes. It’s simple and quick too. 

      Hope you enjoy it, all the best, Olive 

  • I have never had this meal before but I think I will gonna check it out.  The ingredients look familiar to me though.

    You have really done well to bring up this terrific idea to teach people like me how to make hearty leek and potato soup, your analysis is brief but concise.

    I am salivating already and I cannot wait to try this recipe. Thanks

    • Hi Carol 

      Delighted you found my website, and hope it continues to be of some use to you for simple and quick recipes.  I hope you get to try this soup too, it really is very tasty. 

      All the best, Olive 

  • Yum! It sounds absolutely delicious, leek and potato is one of my favourite soups! 

    I truly appreciate a chef posting a recipe that can easily be vegan on the days that I want to reduce my impact on the planet, as well as quick to be made after a long day at work and hearty enough to satiate both my taste buds and my appetite.

    A handheld blender is about the only thing that my kitchen doesn’t have, roughly how long should I wait before blitzing the soup in a standard glass blender? Or should I just buy a handheld blender?



    • Hi Lisa, really appreciate your thoughts. 

      A glass blender should be able to withstand the heat, but I guess to be safe might be best to let it cool from boiling point. Once you have blended it you can bring back up to the boil again.  No real need to purchase a handheld blender for this recipe 😉

      Enjoy, Olive 

  • Thank you very much, Olive

    I, first of all, thank you for the hard work you put in to bring this website together and I appreciate the quality of content you provide here. 

    I found this article very helpful and I enjoyed the recipes provided here. This kind of soup seems to be good and easy to prepare. I am going to try it out.


    • Thanks Magalu I am glad you enjoy my recipes and hopefully you get an opportunity to try these out soon. All the best, Olive

  • Oh well, I always find your recipes interesting and easy to follow. Perhaps, this might be a good time to let you know that I am a certified foodie. lol.

    I’ll do my best to follow it step by step but I cannot promise to to share my end result as you might already guess. Lol. 

    It will be interesting to find out how it goes with the Irish soda bread.

    Great recipe, Olive 

    • Haha yes Rhain you are a true Foodie!! 

      I’m glad you find my recipes easy to follow, that is my main aim 😉 try it with the Irish Soda Bread, I promise you not be disappointed. 

      All the best, Olive 

  • Hello Olive. 

    Nice to see you share this guide on how to make hearty leek and potato soup. I love potatoes and I’d be excited to make this soup. 

    Moreover, the ingredients are very easy to get access to. The procedure is very simple to follow and the soup looks delicious… 

    I have made a different version of this soup before now.


    • Hi MrBiizy

      Glad you liked my recipe, I’d be interested to hear how you thought my recipe fared against the one you made previously, do let me know. 

      All the best, Olive

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