Baked Honey Glazed Chicken

Baked Honey Glazed Chicken
Photo Credit: Olive O’Brien

This dish is quick and easy and is a simple way to serve chicken when you don’t have a lot of time.

It also tastes pretty good and it’s a delicious way to cook chicken.


1 x frying pan, 1 x oven roast dish, 1 x thongs and serving dish


Splash of cooking oil (any type)

2 x chicken fillets

2 x tbsp White wine

4 x tbsp Honey

Seasoning (salt and pepper)

Spinach leaves to garnish

Cooking Temperatures

Turn oven on to preheat at 150° / 300 F or Gas Mark 2


Put the frying pan on low heat (stove) and when the pan is hot add a little oil.

Photo Credit: Olive O’Brien

Carefully place the chicken fillets (smooth side) face down on the frying pan, be careful not to touch the pan or drop the chicken into pan to avoid oil splash or burns.

Season the chicken fillets.

After 5 mins gently turn the chicken fillets over to allow the other side to brown.

Then add some white wine to the frying pan and let the wine reduce.

Transfer the chicken fillets to the oven roast dish and drizzle the honey over the chicken before putting in the oven.

Allow the chicken fillets to cook for a further 10mins in the oven.

Serving Suggestion

Photo Credit: Olive O’Brien

Add the washed spinach leaves to the serving dish and place the cooked chicken on top of the leaves drizzling the juices over the chicken.

These chicken fillets would be lovely served hot with roast potatoes and crunchy vegetables, especially asparagus and young baby carrots.

Alternatively, this chicken dish can be served cold accompanied with a summer salad on a warm day.

6 thoughts on “Baked Honey Glazed Chicken”

  • This looks like a totally scrumptious and versatile recipe.  I especially like how you gave various “versions” of it at the end. 

    It seems like it would be a very quick and easy recipe to make on a weeknight when you are in a rush.  

    The pictures are certainly making me drool!

    • Hi Feochadan thank you for your thoughts, there are so many more versions that you can add to this simple recipe that I didn’t go into – experimenting I believe is a very individual choice as all tastes are different. 

      Do let me know how you get on if you get around to making this glazed chicken dish. 

      All the best to you, Olive 

  • Olive,
    This is truly an amazing site. I enjoyed reading about you and how your passion for cooking grew. Each one of your recipes are marvelous. I could almost taste each and everyone of them, including the Irish soda bread! I am part Irish and part Italian, so I’ve had many years to sample a wide variety of recipes from both sides of the family. By the way, looking at you Honey Glazed Chicken, made me so very hungry!

    The pride you take in your cooking also shows in your website. I enjoyed every aspect of it. It’s eye catching, the formatting is not overwhelming with unnecessary graphics or widgets popping up all over the page. Your images amazingly conveyed our topics and I was pretty certain that they are your own photographs. Please let me know if I am wrong but I just sensed that maybe you or someone else took the pictures as you were baking or cooking the different recipes.

    All the best to you! I am sure you will be very successful with your website,


    • Hi Barbara

      Thank you so much for visiting my website and for your kind comments.

      I can only imagine what culinary delights you have tried in your life given your dual nationality. Italian food is a firm favourite of mine despite having learnt my skill using French-style cooking methods.

      I am delighted you enjoyed reading my recipes – you must have a keen eye for imagery as yes you are correct I have used the images that I captured myself, photography is a hobby of mine that I really enjoy both inside and outside of the kitchen and it’s a great way to combine my two passions.

      Thanks again for your lovely comment, do come back and maybe try some of my recipes 😉

      All the best to you, Olive

    • Ah, I see – well thank you for noticing Barbara, thanks to you I’ve taken the liberty of photo crediting my own images, I wouldn’t have thought to that previously.

      All the best, Olive

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